Imagine the advantages of a world-class CRM and ATS combined into a single integrated platform. See how FlareScout's modern talent software helps you hire better people faster.
Recruiting automations that help you scale outreach quickly
Workflow templates that make on-boarding fast and simple
Trusted by +150 recruiters & hiring directors at leading companies
Easily collaborate across teams in different locations
Modern hiring funnels require cooperation between recruiting managers, subject matter experts, HR specialists, and more. Our flexible ATS is built from the ground up with collaboration in mind. Share tasks, notes, screens, templates, and documents to better organize even the most complex hiring processes.
Ensure candidates are always interviewed by the right people and at the right time with shared calendars and automated scheduling.
“FlareScout's support team is always there when we need them. We engage them regularly, and they’re super responsive.”
Mike Podobnik,Vice President, Talent - Confluent
Hire top talent faster and cheaper
Scalable Hiring Funnels
Build a process that effortlessly scales up and down to fit your company's needs. Adjust to fit your workforce and time horizon.
Audit History & Archiving
Transparency is increasingly important to hiring practices today. FlareScout makes documentation and compliance simple and secure.
Analytics & Testing
A/B test your hiring funnels with one-click. Learn what processes produces better outcomes across ten industry benchmarks.
Automated On-Boarding
Simplify and automate even the most complex on-boarding and document workflows with FlareScout
Sync with all your favorite platforms
FlareScout connects with all the tools you already use so your data is always up-to-date
Join +150 growing companies
"Just by looking at past trends, FlareScout gives us a future plan for how long it’s going to take to bring someone in — and that translates over to cost reduction and the bottom line."
Brandi Hale
Head of People and Culture at Salad&Go
"This [in-person interview] process is not possible for us right now due to the [COVID-19] crisis. This tool has helped us be more efficient during this time and get our jobs done. Thank you!"